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Notas de prensa

11 marzo 2022

India grants Lleida.net its patent number 210

Madrid, 11 March  - The technology services company Lleida.net (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) has been granted a new patent by the Indian authorities.
It relates to its Method for Certifying Delivery of SMS/MMS Data to Mobile Terminals.

The patent granted by Intellectual Property India, the official body that manages patents and trademarks in the country, is valid for 20 years.

This is the first patent that the Spanish-listed company, which operates in more than 50 countries, has received from the Indian government. There are 1.8 billion mobile connections in India, 700 million Internet users, and 600 million smartphones.

"The Indian market is one of the most important in the world in terms of mobile telephony. With this patent, we are entering a key market with immense potential for the development of our services," explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company.

The company, listed in Paris, Madrid, and New York, has one of the largest intellectual property portfolios in the world.

More than 60 countries on five continents have granted patents to the company, including the European Union, the United States, China, Russia, India, Mexico, Japan, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, South Africa, Nigeria, Australia, and New Zealand.

The company is the European leader in the registered electronic signature, notification, and contracting industry.

In 2021, it recorded the best results in its history.