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17 一月 2022

Indenova by Lleida.net inks a contract to digitize the processes of the Supervising Agency of the Government Procurement of Peru

Madrid,17  January .- InDenova by Lleida.net (BME:LLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) (EPA:ALLLN) has signed a contract with the Supervising Agency of the Government Procurement of Peru (OSCE)  to digitize all arbitration processes between companies and the American country.

The system implemented by InDenova by Lleida.net will ease and accelerate the dispute processes between contractors and purchasing entities in Peru.

The technological basis of the service is the eSigna BPM platform in SaaS mode developed by the company.

The project is financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The contract, with a duration of three years, will represent for Lleida.net revenues of about 400,000 euros.

"Signing a contract of these characteristics in Peru will allow us to consolidate our SaaS model in the country, and will be key to continue growing in the region", explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of Lleida.net.

Two weeks ago, the company announced the signing of an agreement with the Peruvian bank Interbank to issue 100,000 digital identities and channel half a million transactions by 2022.

Indenova was acquired 100 percent by the Spanish listed company on November 29 following the approval of its General Shareholders' Meeting, in the first step of its inorganic expansion.

The subsidiary maintains a significant presence in Peru, and its clients include, among others, the Central Reserve Bank, Sanitas, the Transport Supervisory Body (OSITRAN), Lima Airport Partners (LAP) and the Lima College of Notaries.

Lleida.net is the European leader in the certified electronic notification, signature and contracting industry and is listed in Spain, France and the United States.

Its technology has received more than 200 patents from 63 countries on five continents, and its intellectual property portfolio is one of the most important in the industry worldwide.