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26 agost 2021

The Dominican Republic grants Lleida.net its second patent in the country

Madrid, August 26th - The Dominican Republic authorities have granted Lleida.net (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) a new patent for its Method for Certifying an Electronic Mail comprising a trusted digital signature by a telecommunications operator.

This is the second patent that the Spanish company has received in the Caribbean country, and it is valid for 20 years.

In January, the National Industrial Property Office (ONAPI) of the Dominican Republic awarded the company another patent for its Method for Recording and Certifying the reception of E-mail.

This is the 207th recognition the company has received for its inventions.

To date, 63 countries have granted patents to Lleida.net, seven of which are in the American continent: United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Chile, apart from the Dominican Republic.

Since it was listed on the Madrid MAB (currently BME Growth), approximately six years ago, the company has received an average patent every eleven days.

The company already has one of the largest patent portfolios in the electronic signature, notification and contracting sector in the world.  

Precisely, last August 18, the Japan Patent Office awarded the company a patent for its method for the certification of electronic mail containing a recognized electronic signature by a telecommunications operator.

For Lleida.net, R&D, internationalization and commitment to intellectual property are pillars of its medium-term strategy.

Lleida.net is listed on the OTCQX index in New York, on Euronext Growth in Paris and on BME Growth in Madrid.