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Notes de premsa

11 maig 2021

Lleida.net announces a new private purchase plan for partners, employers and stakeholders

Madrid, May 11 - Lleida.net’s (OTCQX:LLEIF; BME:LLN; EPA:ALLLN) CEO, Sisco Sapena, announced today a new off-market Stock Purchase Plan to reward employees and suppliers for their ongoing support of the company's work.
The plan, called "Plan Lleida.net 2021" is also open to directors, partners and existing shareholders.
This Loyalty Plan is limited to 100,000 shares, expandable to another 100,000, and can be subscribed between now and May 29, 2021.
"Lleida.net recently announced the best results in its history, which have been possible thanks to years of support and the efforts of many, whom we want to thank and reward once again," explained Sapena.
According to the purchase plan the beneficiaries will be able to acquire Lleida.net shares at a price of 6.7 euros per share, closing price of the stock at BME Growth market on May 5th. 
The purchase will be accompanied by two call options for the next two years, conditioned to an increase in the value of the company's shares in the future.
Shareholders who participated in the OTC Plan, which was launched to commemorate the company's IPO in New York last November, will also have access to a third call option. 
The consideration for the shares will be made by the main shareholder of Lleida.net, from whose shareholding package the shares of the "Lleida.net 2021 Plan" are derived.
Further information can be obtained from the company’s website.